⭐️ Are you an acoustic singer-songwriter?
⭐️ Do you want to learn to record & produce yourself at home?
⭐️ Do you want to be able to release music consistently and on your own terms?
⭐️ Are you willing to invest time and energy in learning a new skill?
If you answered 'yes' to all of these questions, coaching could be a fantastic fit for ya!
The HomeGrown Production program includes:
⚡️12 week One-on-One Private Coaching through the creation of one single
⚡️Weekly Group Coaching for one year
⚡️Lifetime Access to the HomeGrown Production Foundations portal
⚡️VIP Access to monthly masterclasses
⚡️Community Audits in the HomeGrown Production online community for 1 year
⚡️Discounts to all conferences and other products (40% off) for one year